Buying a new condo can be intimidating if you have little experience with that type of ownership. It can be very different from purchasing a new home or renting.
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type of home: Single Family
style: 2-Story
area: Town of Waukesha
subdivision: Cider Hills Subdivision
lot number: 3
lot size: 1 acre
price: $574,900
bedrooms: 4
bathrooms: 2.5
garage: 3 car
total sq. ft.: 2,557 Sq. Ft.
Not building green? Some people buy into the misconception that high-performance buildings cost more money to construct. Others misunderstand the disconnect between capital costs and operating costs. However, by understanding “value,” and making smart judgments, the cost difference between conventional buildings and green buildings can be nominal; even cost next to nothing to implement.
Want a new look for your living room? Instead of jumping headfirst into redesigning or remodeling, consider the room’s layout.